Insurance brands and campaigns
Insurance brands and campaigns

Events are a high value touchpoint for your brand. They give people the opportunity to interact with your team, form connections and start conversations.

In-person and virtual

Baden-Baden, BIBA and beyond

Whereas in the past face-to-face events dominated the scene, the future will likely hold a mix of live virtual, recorded virtual and in-person. From conference stands to live webcasts and webinars, we’ll help you put on a show that gets people talking.

We created a giant video wall for DTW, playing one big message at a time for maximum impact. The campaign included emails, social media posts, website landing pages and downloads. Result: 52% of their A&H team’s annual target achieved in 4 months.

A four-month campaign

Make your one-day event last

Too often the event itself is the sole focus for the business, with little attention given to what happens before and afterwards. But it’s in the weeks and months before and after where events really pay back.

We launched the Geo brand at BIBA with the goal of establishing awareness and brand recognition. This stand and all that went with it did the job, beautifully.

Nurture your leads

Follow ups get numbers up

We can help you build out email and social media workflows to engage with people in the lead up to, and following the event – whether they attended or not. Becoming a familiar name in their inbox and social feed, and driving them to your website content turns awareness into engagement until they’re ready for a sales call.

To help our client RMP raise their profile with the education sector, we delivered a webinar and associated campaign that focused on how universities could more easily run and benefit from clinical trials. Result: 44% of attendees were new relationships

Talk to us about events

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